You May Be Bipolar
If you take three different meds at night and two more in the morning…you may be bipolar.
If your therapist is on your speed dial…you may be bipolar.
If you know the difference between rapid cycling and ultra-rapid cycling…you may be bipolar.
If you have depression clothes and mania clothes…you may be bipolar.
If you’ve stayed in bed for three days and not gone to bed for three days…you may be bipolar.
If your significant other is also your emotional support animal…you may be bipolar.
If all your Facebook friends have psych diagnoses…you may be bipolar.
If your refrigerator door has 40 affirmations on it…you may be bipolar.
If you know who Gabe Howard is…you may be bipolar.
If you have a semicolon tattoo…you may be bipolar.
If you’ve ever watched a show with a bipolar character and said to yourself, “No, that’s not it”…you may be bipolar.
If Carrie Fisher is one of your heroes and you call her “Space Mom”…you may be bipolar.
If you’ve gone through a dozen medications trying to find one that works…you may be bipolar.
If you’ve ever felt depressed and jazzed at the same time…you may be bipolar.
If taking a shower is a major event…you may be bipolar.
If you keep a box of Cocoa Puffs beside your bed…you may be bipolar.
If you’ve had a yearly raise and spent it in a month…you may be bipolar.
If all these statements apply to you…you’re DEFINITELY bipolar.